General Information
Tim and I invite you to join us for the 13th Annual Emily's Ride on June 2nd 2018. It is a day of great riding, and a time to remember those that we have lost. The love and memories we have are treasures that the heart never forgets. Last year we were able to raise over $3,000.00 for Cody's Wheels of Hope, a charity that provides bicycles and other wheeled toys to terminally ill children. We are honored to support this charity, and through Emily's Ride we provide a smile and feeling of joy to children that have known too much pain.
If you would like to add someone you have loved to our memory wall please contact Rebecca Schaef at [email protected] Kelly Suddarth at [email protected] or 814-449-1174, or Nicole Curtis at [email protected]. We would be honored to put their name and picture on the wall and website and ride in 2017, and every year afterward in their memory. We believe the pain and the grief of loss can be turned into a day of remembering the joy and love that was given to us. We take those memories and pass on that moment of joy to someone else.